Saturday 26 July 2014

Music Video Conventions

I realise that the videos embedded into the powerpoint are not available and so I have embedded them below.

Also, some of my words have been cut off so here they are:

SLIDE 2 - *Quentin Tarantino's 'Kill Bill'
SLIDE 3- *
 Examples: ‘Girlfriend’ – Avril Lavigne, ‘Bad Romance’ & ‘Telephone’ – Lady Gaga
SLIDE 6 - *

Lots of makeup involved
Tints and filters to improve colours
Sometimes there are quite simple and repetitive lyrics
SLIDE  7 - *

Travelling is usually involved

Sometimes the scene or plot might not make sense, until the end or at all

SLIDE 8- *
Settings are usually an expensive house or club location

Saturday 12 July 2014

Narrative Research

Production Diary 3 - Summer Planning

As well as what has been mentioned, I have also created an Inital Planning Prezi, which actually has helped me hugely in what I think I will do, including all the song choices I've considered, the story/narrative, Locations, general ideas about costumes, props, cinematography, and key lyrics i.e. following Andrew Goodwin's theory of matching lyrics to visuals.

Clothing/Style Ideas

Inital Planning Ideas